
What is PSCP (PUTTY Secure copy), SCP, SFTP

 PSCP (PUTTY Secure copy) (Access Remote server)

first you can download putty pscp software on official website

Windows to kali
pscp -P 22  icon.png sakthivel@

linux to windows from windows
pscp -P 22  sakthivel@ icon.png

Windows to windows :- (for remote server only)
scp light.blend sakthi@

SCP  =  Secure copy protocol

Another method to file send windows to linux:-

use :- scp- secure copy protocol 
secure copy protocol is a means of securely transferring computer files between a localhost and a remote host or between two remote hosts 

it is based on the secure shell protocol SCP  is a high speed file transfer

commands:- C:\Users\SAKTHIVEL S\Downloads>scp murugan.mp4 sakthivel@ (copy file from windows to linux)

C:\users\SAKTHIVEL S\Downloads>scp sakthivel@ getinfo.sh

add-windowsCapability -online -name openSSH.Server~~~~~
add-windowsCapability -online -name openSSH.client~~~~~


SFTP = secure file transfer protocol

 sftp   username@ipaddress

important commands lines:- 

> filename (create files)                                                cat (view files)
example test.txt
if you write a files in text.txt type cat > test.txt 

mkdir filename (create folder)
example:- mkdir car

rmdir filename (remove or delete folder)
example:- rmdir car

pwd - Remote workig directory
lpwd - local machine working directory

cd - change directory in remote machine
lcd - change directory in local machine

put -r upload files
get - downloads files

lls  - local list (local machine)
ls - list of files in remote machine

if you can read more type (sftp ?)

run shell commnads:- 

  1. create files >test.txt 

echo 'sakthivel' > data.txt
cat data.txt 


Append add text to existing file in Linux:

echo 'dai sakthivel' >> data.txt

cat data.txt
dai sakthivel

echo 'hi sakthivel'>data.txt  (overwriting the text)
cat data.txt
hi sakthivel

Delete files:-
rm filename
example ;- rm test.txt

Delete seperate file type:- rm *.pdf, .txt, .docx, bat